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I started this journey on 4/2/13 at 217 lbs.  I've always struggled with my weight, and at my heaviest in my early 20s (245 lbs when I was 21,) I had even suffered a mild heart attack.  Diets, lifting, hard cardio, etc would all work for a while, but I'd eventually plateau and get frustrated.  


I've been a fan of DDP's going back to his days as a manager in the AWA.  When I first heard about DDP YOGA, I thought "that's kinda cool."  Then I heard about  Jake Roberts, and then Scott Hall, and what Dallas has been doing for both of them.  Anyone who's a fan of wrestling knows that the stories of both of these guys are legendary in terms of how far they had fallen, and what was even more amazing was the comeback that they were both making with Dallas' help, and with DDP YOGA.  Both of those guys (as Dallas) were heroes of mine, so I decided to buy the program.  The discs arrived on 4/2/13, and I worked the program.  And man, has it been kicking my ass!  Just short of 11 weeks later, I am under 200 lbs for the first time since I was 19 (197 lbs to be exact) and I feel AMAZING!  DDP YOGA isn't just a workout program to me anymore.  It's a lifestyle.  It's allowed me to reclaim my health, my self-esteem, and my life.  Thank you, Dallas, for developing this program.  I feel like I owe you the world!

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